Counter Trafficking in Emergencies

Counter Trafficking in Emergencies


IOM carries out crisis response operations on a global scale, to address the most urgent needs of affected populations, and is an integral member of Humanitarian Country Teams, co-lead and member to numerous humanitarian clusters, and implements front-line services. IOM also works within the humanitarian community to mitigate the risk of trafficking and address these protection needs from the early stages of humanitarian response.

As part of its ever-expending efforts related to counter-trafficking in humanitarian settings, IOM builds the capacity of humanitarian stakeholders through trainings, coordination among multi-sector working groups and clusters, and development of context-specific tools. IOM remains one of the leading operational agencies in the field in counter trafficking interventions and supporting victims identified in humanitarian settings.

IOM’s Counter Trafficking in Emergencies website includes a resource center that provides access to publications, reports, toolkits, guidelines, and materials published by IOM and other actors working in counter trafficking in the context of emergencies.In addition, online modules and learning materials about counter trafficking in emergencies are available in different languages and are self-paced, ideal for practitioners and anyone interested in learning about this topic. Useful information is also provided on how to collect, analyze and use data on human trafficking in crisis.

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