A21 Organizational Profile

A21 is a contributor to the Counter Trafficking Data Collaborative.
A21 is a global non-governmental organization combating human trafficking through prevention and awareness, intervention, and aftercare.
With offices in 14 countries, A21 aims to combat modern-day slavery through a multi-dimensional operational strategy: Reach, Rescue, and Restore. With that strategy in mind, A21 currently provides intervention and aftercare services to survivors in seven countries, operates national human trafficking hotlines in three countries, and in conjunction with local law enforcement and partners, operates two Child Advocacy Centers in Southeast Asia.
Since 2008, A21 has provided direct victim services, offering a trauma-informed, victim-centered Aftercare program to survivors of human trafficking in seven countries - Bulgaria, Cambodia, Greece, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine, and the United States. A21’s Aftercare Program aims to assist survivors in achieving restoration, reintegration into their community, and independence. This is achieved through providing comprehensive individualized services, including case management, medical, dental and psychological treatment, accommodation, domestic and international relocation and repatriation, education, employment support, and financial assistance.
A21 focuses on raising awareness and educating the public in all locations, coordinates legal services for survivors, and provides repatriation services for any survivor of human trafficking. Through partnerships and the efforts of supporters all over the globe, A21 truly believes that human trafficking can be prevented, victims identified, perpetrators prosecuted, and more survivors can step into a life of independence.
For more information: A21.org.
A21 datasets provided to CTDC consist of information garnered from case files dating back to 2008 from our seven aftercare countries. As A21 is a frontline service provider, all data is a result of direct engagement with survivors from the point of their identification and recovery through to independence. A21 records data at intake and ongoingly throughout the course of service provisions as regular interactions with survivors reveal a more robust picture of their unique trafficking situations and factors of vulnerability are made clear.
Data gleaned from A21 case files is then categorized into the CTDC variables and parameter brackets, obscuring any identifiable information. Data is then further anonymized by the CTDC K-11 anonymization process.
A21 respects survivor privacy and confidentiality, and as such, data submitted to CTDC is not the result of any targeted survey but of information freely given by the survivor over time. Due to this fact, some variables may not be known in certain files, and in that event, are marked as unknown in the submitted dataset. Survivors reserve the right to remove their data from A21 records at any time. Pursuant to this, any survivor data, even de-identified, will be removed from datasets submitted to CTDC at survivor request.
New and updated A21 datasets will be submitted to CTDC on a bi-annual ongoing basis.