Age breakdown of transgender/non-conforming victims Age breakdown of transgender non-conforming victims.csv Download csv
Age_breakdown_of_transgender_non-conforming_victims.csv Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see. Resources Type of Exploitation All Victims Liberty Asia DashboardRelationship to Recruiter Liberty Asia DashboardType of Exploitation: Female Victims Liberty Asia DashboardType of Exploitation: Male Victims Liberty Asia DashboardType of Exploitation: Girl Victims Liberty Asia DashboardType of Exploitation: Boy Victims Liberty Asia DashboardMost Common Sectors of Work Victims of Labour Exploitation Liberty Asia DashboardMeans of Control Used on Victims Liberty Asia DashboardTotal victims reported (Liberty Asia)Gender of reported victims (Liberty Asia)Age of victims (Liberty Asia)Citizenship at time of report (Liberty Asia) Additional Information Field Value mimetype text/csv filesize 137 bytes resource type file upload timestamp Feb 06, 2018 Visualizations Type of Exploitation: Female Victims Liberty Asia Dashboard