Trafficking in the agriculture sector
In CTDC data, 1,663 victims of trafficking were trafficked into the agriculture sector. They represent 12% of the victims trafficked for labour exploitation.
80% of the data comes from case management data, while the rest comes from hotline data.
To learn more about the size of the agriculture sector relative to other labour exploitation sectors, click here (graph Sector of labour exploitation)
To learn more about the size of labour exploitation relative to other types of exploitation, click here (graph Exploitation type)
Profile of the recorded victims
This profile summarises the victims' most common characteristics, based on the graphs below.
The typical victim is equally likely to be male and female, over 30 years old. S/he’s more likely to be married than single. S/he's likely to have some secondary education or technical training. S/he's from Eastern Europe, and was probably also exploited there. S/he is most likely to be recruited into trafficking by someone outside of her/his circle of family and friends. S/he is mostly controlled by her/his traffickers through false promises, earnings confiscation, excessive working hours, psychological abuse, restriction of movement, confiscation of documents, and threats. Her/his exploitation is not likely to last more than one year.
Similarly to the construction sector and to the manufacturing sector, identified victims exploited in the agriculture sector are older than in the rest of the dataset. There are almost no children below the age of 10. 55% of identified victims in the agriculture sector are over 30 years old, against 33% in the rest of the dataset.
Like in the construction sector and the manufacturing sector, 48% of identified victims trafficked into agriculture are married, while only 27% are single. This contrasts with the rest of the dataset, for which 47% of the victims are single.
The education level of identified victims in the agriculture sector is similar to the profile observed among victims exploited in the construction sector, as just under a third of people exploited in agriculture have technical training (compared to a quarter in the rest of the dataset), and many also have secondary education.
72% of identified victims exploited in the agriculture sector stay in their region of origin during their exploitation, which is in line with the profile of victims in the rest of the dataset.
57% of victims in CTDC data who are trafficked into agriculture come from Eastern Europe. The next largest group is from Central Asia, constituting 17% of the people exploited in the agriculture sector. 58% of victims are also exploited in Eastern Europe, 20% in North America, and 12% in Central Asia. This is similar to the profile of victims in the construction sector.
For the purpose of this analysis, region refers to the UN Sub-Regions.
Compared to the rest of the dataset, the majority of victims forced to work in agriculture were not recruited by someone close to them. In this respect, victims of trafficking in the agriculture sector are similar to victims in the construction sector and the manufacturing sector.
In CTDC data, victims exploited in the agriculture sector are controlled mostly through false promises, earnings confiscation, excessive working hours, psychological abuse, restriction of movement, confiscation of documents, and threats.
Compared to the other victims, they are a lot more likely to endure confiscation of documents and earnings, false promises, and excessive working hours. However, almost none of them were subjected to sexual abuse and psychoactive substances.
Almost 80% of victims trafficked into agriculture were exploited for up to one year, similarly to victims in the construction and manufacturing sectors. From there, the frequency for number of years trafficked decreases steadily, with the longest recorded trafficking duration for a victim of trafficking at 17 years. In the rest of the dataset, the general tendency is similar, but only about 60% of the victims were in exploitation for one year or less.